Event Selection and Filtering

ChartBuilder lets you filter and plot every event you ingest by every piece of metadata available (including onchain data). Segmenting and filtering those events can be tricky however. Open up 'ChartBuilder' on the main Spindl page and choose line chart from the menu. Pick a few events on the left-hand side (here we've picked page view, wallet connect, and an onchain swap). The plot below is essentially the offchain to onchain converson funnel for this sample client (we'll plot it in a funnel view in below).

In reality, Spindl is just a very sophisticated event ingestion engine, surfacing those events with visualizations and various bits of computation. This menu of events on the left will re-appear in every chart type, and also in Audiences. Understanding how to view your users through the events they trigger is a key part of using Spindl. A couple pointers on the event picker and filtering pane on the right. Aggregates: Depending on the event, the 'measured as' could be literal counts of the event firing, unique users, unique sessions, revenue...or much else besides depending on the event. Make sure you're measuring the number you think you are, and that events plotted together have comparable measures.

The next control is the filter toggle, which can be used to drill down into various pieces of event metadata.

Just about about every piece of event metadata, whether offchain or onchain, is available here. If it's not, ask us.

Note that onchain events have very different metadata, and will not have your usual Web2 state like browser or URM parameters.

Lastly, there's the segment tool, which aggregates by the event filter chosen, and plots data as a table underneath (almost) any chart type you choose.

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